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Value-added Reader Days: At RED, every euro is worth more

Value-added Reader Days: At RED, every euro is worth more

Rieder Value Added Days: City marketing and Weberzeile reward shopping awareness in the area.

In the run-up to Christmas, the famous Rieder Value Days has already entered its third round: from November 28 to December 12, zone awareness will again be specially rewarded: with a daily chance to win up to €250 in the form of Rieder Schwanthaler scores to win. Anyone who spends at least ten euros during the two-week campaign in Ried, eats at one of the many restaurants or uses the services of the company Ried handicrafts, can participate. Simply send the respective invoice via email to [email protected] or via MMS or WhatsApp to +43/664/6070070000 by 12 December at the latest, or by placing it in the box at the Weberzeile Visitors Service or at the tourist office on Throw in Stelzhamerplatz 2, and with a little luck, you can win. Winners will be notified after the daily drawing and the invoice amount will be refunded or a maximum of €250 in Rieder Schwanthaler scores. All withdrawn amounts are rounded to the nearest ten.

Thank you for your loyalty

“The value-added days of Rieder in this Advent are a kind of thank you to all the consumers who remain loyal to Ried when they do their Christmas shopping,” says Roland Murauer, Managing Director of ARGE Stadtmarketing. “With Rieder Value Added Days, we are creating another incentive to do Christmas shopping here in Ried. In addition, with Rieder Schwanthaler Zehner, we ensure that purchasing power remains in the region,” said Christoph Vomer, Center Director at Weberzeile.

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