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Vernissage at atelier22 in Gmundnerberg: Mirror Images I – Landscapes and Surrealism

Vernissage at atelier22 in Gmundnerberg: Mirror Images I – Landscapes and Surrealism

The highlight of the artistic year at atelier22 – Knights of Art as guests: Andrew Judd and Stefan Noetzel

At Atelier 22 in Gmundnerberg, artist Angelika Thoma opens a new exhibition entitled “Mirror Images 1 – Landscapes and Surrealism”. This special exhibition, as a contribution to the Capital of Culture “Salzkammergut 2024”, which will take place from 2 to 30 June 2024, presents works by famous artists such as Andrew Judd and Stefan Knoetzel.
Angelica Thoma enthuses: “Our highlights of the year at atelier22 – two knights of art: Andrew Judd and Stefan Knotzel.”

Canadian artist Andrew Judd, who regularly visits Austria with his wife, emphasizes the uniqueness of the exhibition: “This exhibition of Angelica is a special place in nature!” “We love Austria,” he adds. The wine is very good and we love Käsekrainer.

Stefan Knotzel, whose works often tell tales, is also a big fan of Austria. He emphasizes people's joy at seeing artists outdoors: “People are excited to see people painting in the street.” With this statement, he wants to encourage participants to draw in public places.

The “Painting on Traunsee” workshop with artists Andrew Judd and Stefan Knutzel will take place from 3 to 7 June 2024. Due to the poor weather forecast, part of the workshop will be held in the studio in Gmundnerberg.

Biography of guest artists:

Andrew Good
Andrew Goode graduated from the Ontario College of the Arts in 1979 and has since lived in Hamilton, Montreal, Toronto and Vienna. He works as an art director, painter, and illustrator and exhibits his work in various galleries. In addition to lecturing at art colleges and art societies, Jude also offers workshops and private lessons. His illustrations are used worldwide in the advertising design and marketing industries. He spent six years in Vienna, where he painted with Stefan Noetzel in Viennese cafés.

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Stefan Noetzel
Stefan Noetzel lives as a freelance illustrator in Vienna. Inspired by Balthus's delicate painting, he studied with him in Paris. Balthus then took him to Italy to learn to paint chiaroscuro from Caravaggio. Other stops in his training were Madrid, where he learned loose brushstrokes from Velázquez, and six years with Johannes Grutzky in Nuremberg, who taught him integrity, courage and humor in painting. An en plein air painting with Sargent finally brought Noetzel's work to light.

Exhibition opening hours:
June 2 – June 30, 2024
Saturday and Sunday 11am – 5pm

More dates:
Painting on Lake Traunsee (weather permitting, or in the studio) with Andrew Goode and Stefan Knotzel
From June 3 to 7, 2024, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m

Art walkers at Orth Castle in Gmunden:
The artistic tour will take place on June 8 and 9 at Orth Castle in Gmunden. On June 8 at 5 p.m., Altmünster artist Angelika Toma will read from her first book “IMOSCHNEKOS PICASSO and the Irretrevable”.

This exhibition promises to be an unforgettable experience for all art lovers. Visit atelier22 in Gmundnerberg and let yourself be mesmerized by “mirror images”.
