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Version 100 can lead to website problems because they can’t handle three numbers

Version 100 can lead to website problems because they can’t handle three numbers

From Valentine Sattler
Starting at version 100, Google Chrome may have issues with some websites because it can’t handle the long version number. Until the Internet browser is released, website operators must check if their CMS supports the three-digit number. Instead, there will be a workaround from Google.

In the next few months, users of Google’s Chrome Internet browser may encounter an unexpected problem. Chrome is still currently being distributed to private users in version 96.0.4664.110, but the number one is expected to rise to 100 by next spring. This in turn causes problems with some websites, because the user’s browser version is sent to the website every time it is accessed. And sometimes it can’t process the three-digit PIN.

Problems with three numbers

Since the current Chrome release, developers can test the version number to 100 and thus check websites for the problem. According to the Chromium debugger, an unusual error is already occurring: for example, website builders from Yell and Duda are said to have been affected. If a user tries to access a matching website using Chrome 100, they will encounter an error message instead of the website because of the version number. The problem doesn’t seem to be too difficult – at least Yell has already provided an update.

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The version number can be a problem for websites that are not well maintained or not maintained at all, because without the corresponding patch, they will always respond with an error message in the future. However, it appears that Google already has a solution to this problem: in the future, Google Chrome should simply continue to sign in to version 99 of old websites and eventually append the actual version. If the list of old sites is kept accordingly, then it is hoped that private users will not notice much of the problem.

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those: chrome via hot

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