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Virtual Cruise Ship in the Metaverse » News

Virtual Cruise Ship in the Metaverse » News

Passengers can actually explore their ship with the “Wonderverse” before boarding. Experience a virtual reality digital version of the fleet’s newest ship, Celebrity Beyond, and explore every deck, watch entertainment shows, and visit some of Celebrity Cruises’ destinations – from Europe to Asia, Alaska, and the Caribbean.

How Wonderverse works:

Once the visitors are under Registered, they move from room to room. The virtual journey on the magic carpet begins. The user then proceeds to the resort’s deck where they are greeted personally by Captain Kate McCoy, who is available to help answer questions. From there, he can continue to explore the ship or even try out virtual travel destinations like Santorini, Alaska, or Tokyo.

Guests can also meet and chat with Celebrity Beyond’s Captain Kate McCoy, Celebrity Cruises President and CEO Lisa Lutoff-Perlo, and the ship’s designers as digital avatars. Travelers of the Wonderverse also have the option to create their own avatar.

What is Metaverse?

The Metaverse is the next evolution of the Internet and is a major differentiator between the current Web 2.0 and the future Web 3.0. It transforms the Internet from a socially oriented two-dimensional source of information into a three-dimensional experience where users can not only consume information, but also immerse themselves in and interact with a virtual world. The popular new “Wonderverse” was developed in collaboration with designers from the virtual event platform Surreal Events.

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