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Vitamin B12 against fatigue and poor concentration

Vitamin B12 against fatigue and poor concentration

Often tired, weak and unable to focus? These are all indications of a possible vitamin B12 deficiency. But what can you do about it?

The basics in brief

  • Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause fatigue and poor concentration.
  • Fish, meat, and milk are foods that contain vitamin B12.
  • If you have symptoms, see a doctor and get yourself tested for deficiency.

Fresh and lively Everyone should be able to start the day after a restful night. However, there is a lack of focus and she can take a nap in the afternoon. Fatigue and lack of focus can be a sign on vitaminVitamin B12 deficiency.

The so-called feel-good vitamin can only recorded on food He also writes “Bunte”. Vitamin B12 reaches the intestine through the cells of the mucous membranes and from there it travels to the liver. These are fish, meat and milk foodWhere there is mainly vitamin B12.

Fatigue, hair loss, convulsions, anemia, eye problems, memory problems and poor concentration are signs of A doctor Search for. This can use a methylmalonic acid test to see if there is a deficiency. In the event of a deficiency, the menu plan can be replaced or even the use of nutritional supplements.

More on this topic:

Vitamin Doctor Food

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