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Vorsorgekasse APK uses ID Austria!

Vorsorgekasse APK uses ID Austria!

Accessing the individual account is now also possible comfortably and securely with the new Austria ID!

Vienna / Linz (OTS) Who does not know the problem of having to remember countless access data for different Internet portals? As a matter of caution, it is advisable to use different passwords for online banking accounts, email accounts, social media platforms or online stores. This often results in users setting frivolous passwords – eg “123456” – or typing passwords in insecure places.

Focus on data protection

The solution to this problem lies in a secure access system that can be used on several gateways at the same time.

“In Denmark, there has been a system supported by the public sector and accepted by the population for 20 years, which allows access to the digital fulfillment of official business. Paul Thibault, MSc, who has been on the board of APK Vorsorgekasse since the beginning of 2022, a citizen of Denmark, explains, He is an active user of this system.

With a mobile phone signature, which will be replaced by the new Austria ID in 2022, this system is also available in Austria. While public portals can be entered via a mobile phone signature, such access to private financial portals is only possible to a very limited extent.

Innovative customer service

APK Vorsorgekasse looks after over 500,000 workers or independent employers in Austria. Customers can access their personal credit Now also available with Handy-Signatur and at the same time with the new Austria ID.

“We see ourselves as service providers to our customers. This also includes acting as an engine for innovation and thus creating added value. With the new Austria ID The ability to record is definitely one of them. “We are very pleased to have been a provider from the start,” says DI Thomas Keplinger, Chairman.

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Questions and contact:

APK Pension Fund AG
Diploma – Ing. Thomas Kiplinger
Chairman of Board of Directors
Tel: +43664 54 86277