The PlayStation VR 2 version of Resident Evil 4 Remake will be a free DLC pack, just like Resident Evil Village.
A point of honor for Capcom. Resident Evil players running PS5 And PlayStation VR 2 Really spoiled, because in addition to the free VR version of Village, the same software is also available for Resident Evil 4 remake.
First of all, it’s interesting that RE4 Remake is getting a VR version, which for free is still a real treat. It has not been confirmed whether or not the game will have a VR version. So the fans’ wait was definitely worth it.
Resident Evil 4 Remake with VR Edition for PlayStation VR 2 (PS5)
A Twitter post from the official Biohazard channel confirmed that VR DLC development has just begun. So we don’t know at this point when the PlayStation VR 2 version of the game will be released. The Regular Edition of arguably the biggest (and best) Resident Evil remake will launch on March 24th.
The timing of the tweet was well chosen, after all, PS VR 2 was delivered for pre-orders today.
『バイオハザー RE:4』の VRモードは PlayStation5/PlayStationVR2 pick の 無料 DLC とし て配信 さ れ る 予 定 で す。
– バイオハザード (カプコン)公式 (BIO_OFFICIAL) February 22, 2023
Still, there’s more than enough gaming fun to be had with PlayStation’s new VR headset, even if Resident Evil 4 Remake takes a while. Along with the VR version of Resident Evil Village, the brand new Horizon: Call of the Mountain debuted.
Resident Evil 4 remake It will release for PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, and Windows PC on March 24, 2023.
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