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VW will soon start an automated taxi service

VW will soon start an automated taxi service

First, the autonomous fleet will move through Hamburg – then service will begin worldwide.

He wants self-driving shuttle buses with the company’s transportation service in a few years Moya
Use it in Hamburg. As of 2025, it was the first electric truck ready for the series, The ID.Buzz
The automaker announced that it will roll the streets of the Hanseatic city with this technology. Then they want to move from trial run to commercial vehicle use, says Christian Singer, who heads the development of autonomous driving at Volkswagen’s commercial vehicle division.

A safety driver remains on board until the legal requirements for fully automated driving (Level 4) are established and the Passenger Transportation Act is amended.

Planned it all over the world

After starting in Hamburg, the show will be expanded worldwide. After that, customers should be able to take them to their destination in select cities in self-driving vehicles. The technology is currently being tested at six locations in the USA. Tests will also begin soon at a rented site near Munich Airport. Last year, Volkswagen acquired a stake in Ford’s Argo AI, which is developing autonomous driving.

Another pillar

VW is currently leading the development in this area. In the future, electronic cars equipped with a combination of special camera systems, radar and laser sensors, will drive independently across large cities, transporting people and goods alike. The goal is to develop its own business area in which Volkswagen makes money in addition to selling cars.

At the same time that self-driving trucks are operating in Volkswagen’s commercial vehicle division, Volkswagen is working on driver assistance systems and automotive robotic technology at Cariad’s software company. Coordinating all of this should be one of the IT chief’s jobs which is that the group is currently looking for him.

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