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Watzmann said goodbye at Graz –

Watzmann said goodbye at Graz –

the culture

Watzmann ran like a red thread during Wolfgang Ambros’ career. “Aufi or not aufi” – that is the question. In 1972, 40 years ago, Watzmann first called while composing the Alpine Musical, and for the last time on a Sunday in Graz.

Shipping note:

“Styria Today”, on November 14, 7pm ORF 2

In addition to Wolfgang Ambros, a number of other Austrian music greats were also part of Watzmann’s creation. This is how Joesi Prokopetz recalled how it all began at that time: “In our group there was a Tyrolean photographer in the ORF who was very gifted with humor. He once imitated the speech of a rural Tirol pastor. In this speech, the words “mountain” and “man” were used Figuratively in a very funny way. We laughed at each other and then always talked in that tone. Then someone said, “You have to make something out of it.”

Little by little to achieve success

And that’s what they did then – at first it was a 12-minute radio play and then it got bigger and bigger and bigger, says Klaus Eberhartinger, who played Gailtalerin for the last time: “We always expanded it a little bit by improvisation, because whenever we got bored we came up with something. The tour was fun and the main argument was that we did Wolverine a favor.”

Photo series with 11 photos

A little sad at the end

Wolfgang Ambrose was very happy with the farewell tour, but not too sad about the end of the era: “I’m certainly not sad because I have to say I did it and I’ve played a big part with everyone involved here and I think that’s enough.” Ambrose now says he wants Devoting his entire time to his health.

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The Grand Farewell at the Graz Stadthalle was a success thanks to the main cast Joesi Prokopetz, Christoph Fälbl, Klaus Eberhartinger and Wolfgang Ambros as well as the wonderful cast and singers of the band.