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We may have already found life on Mars, and then accidentally killed it

We may have already found life on Mars, and then accidentally killed it

Time and time again, there are reports that life may have been discovered on Mars or another planet. This question has preoccupied scholars for decades. However, there is still a lack of evidence for this. And it’s likely to stay that way for a while, because, according to the researchers, the technology is probably far from enough.

Researcher Dirk Scholz-Macuch from the Technical University of Berlin claims that we may have already found life on Mars. However, he is no longer alive because we accidentally killed him.

Surely anyone now exclaimed in astonishment, “Excuse me?” Not alone. How the hell are we supposed to kill this supposed life from Mars without even realizing it? NASA is said to have been responsible for this for about 50 years.

Life is said to have been eradicated 50 years ago

in it Big thought At least that’s what astrobiologist Dirk Schulz-Macuch claims in the published column, expressing his concerns about the methods used on a particular mission. When the two Vikings landed on Mars in 1976, one of the mission’s main goals was to discover biosignatures.

One of the astrobiologist’s main criticisms concerns the gas chromatographic mass spectrometer (GCMS) aboard the Viking lander. This device detected chlorinated organic compounds, which at the time were interpreted as contamination from floor cleaners. We now know that chlorinated organic compounds exist on Mars. However, it is unclear whether they are caused by biological or non-biological processes.

Subsequent analysis showed that heating the samples, a key step in the GCMS process to separate the different substances they contain, may have inadvertently destroyed the organic evidence they were trying to find.

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There are likely other bugs in the Viking missions, too

Schulz-Macuch also points out potential flaws in other Vikings mission experiments, where evidence could be inadvertently destroyed. In one experiment, Viking chariots added water to samples of Mary’s soil. “This could have been a very bad idea,” the researcher wrote in his column.

“Life on Mars may have adapted to the arid environment by living inside salty rocks and absorbing water directly from the atmosphere. Viking experiments, which included adding water to soil samples, may have overpowered these potential microbes and led to their demise.”

The Viking mission’s pyrolysis firing experiment yielded interesting results without the addition of water. This supports the 2007 Schultz-McCoch hypothesis that Mars might harbor life adapted to arid regions that use hydrogen peroxide for existence. These findings call for a re-examination of the data.

Is there life on the red planet?

Calls are growing for a special mission to search for life on Mars. And with future interplanetary explorations, we must improve our approach to preserving the Red Planet’s secrets rather than inadvertently destroying them.

And Schultz-McCoch is convinced there are some out there. In an interview with Frankfurter Rundschau He once said: “Organic matter accumulated on Earth and combined to form life, and then continued to evolve. We scientists assume that such conditions must also exist elsewhere, and therefore life on Earth cannot be unique.