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We need a real dialogue with young people.

We need a real dialogue with young people.

Young people are more pessimistic than ever, according to the trend study “Youth in Germany 2024”, which was published three months ago. The study, which has been conducted regularly since 2020, presents the attitudes, trends and views of people aged 14 to 29 in Germany.

On the other hand, the recently published Sinus Youth Study 2024, which has been tracking trends among 14- to 17-year-olds every four years since 2008, confirms that teens have maintained an optimistic attitude despite uncertainty.

Regardless of what is true, these findings worry me. I ask myself: How can we, with young people, formulate a vision of a good life despite all the crises and wars? How can we invite them to effectively shape the processes of change?

And if you're wondering now what this has to do with nature and biodiversity: without the commitment of the younger generation, we will not be able to preserve the basis of all life, biodiversity – “business as usual” is not an option.

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But in order to answer how things should be done differently, one has to want to increase cooperation: at the regional, national and international levels, between the different policy areas of the federal government. Politics, society, business and the different knowledge cultures must work together constructively and in a solution-oriented way. But that is not enough.

Concrete steps are needed in all these areas so that children and young people can develop the future comprehensively and effectively so that they can design and implement measures for biodiversity and good life. We need a real dialogue with the young generation.

A proposal has recently been put forward that deserves consideration. A national focal point should be established to collect and report on the contributions that children and young people are already making in relation to environmental protection, biodiversity, health and justice, what their interests are in a good life, and what is required for this.

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This proposal is part of a preparatory paper for the World Nature Congress, which will be held in Colombia from October 21 to November 11 this year. We must implement it in Germany. The Museum für Naturkunde Berlin is happy to help.