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Werner Gregoritsch called up the UFB U21 squad for the final qualifying tests

Werner Gregoritsch called up the UFB U21 squad for the final qualifying tests

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ÖFB-U21-Teamchef Werner Gregoritsch: "Das sind alles sehr gute, talentierte Spieler, die in der abgelaufenen Saison ihre Qualität gezeigt haben. Sie haben es sich verdient, in das U21-Team einberufen zu werden. Für mich geht es auch darum, dass sie die Abläufe im Team kennenlernen. Jeder von ihnen hat das Potenzial, sich im Team festzuspielen. Ich bin absolut überzeugt, dass unser Kader noch stärker und breiter wird."

Die EURO-Mission startet für Österreichs Talente auswärts auf Zypern (7. September) und mit einem Heimspiel gegen Bosnien-Herzegownina (12. September). "Wir haben das klare Ziel, uns für die EURO zu qualifizieren. Dafür brauchen wir ein Team, das gemeinsam etwas erreichen kann. Wir sind auf einem guten Weg und werden mit den neuen Spielern weiter Qualität dazugewinnen", so Gregoritsch.

Der ÖFB-U21-Kader im Detail

TOR: MARIC Luka (SK Puntigamer Sturm Graz; 1/0), POLSTER Nikolas (SK BMD Vorwärts Steyr; 5/0), SCHERF Elias (SKU Ertl Glas Amstetten; 5/0)

ABWEHR: BAIDOO Samson (FC Red Bull Salzburg; 4/0), ESTRADA Pascal (NK Olimpija Ljubljana/SVN; 5/2), FALLMANN Pascal (SK Rapid; 6/0), HEINDL David (KSV 1919; 0/0), IBERTSBERGER Lukas (FC Liefering; 2/0), KOLLER Paul (Grazer AK 1902; 1/0), WALLNER Lukas (FC Liefering; 2/0), WOHLMUTH Fabian (SV Licht-Loidl Lafnitz; 0/0)

MITTELFELD: BRAUNÖDER Matthias (FK Austria Wien; 10/1), DEMIR Yusuf (Galatasaray/TUR; 10/2), GATTERMAYER Angelo (FC Flyeralarm Admira; 0/0), HOFER Raphael (FC Liefering; 0/0), KAMERI Dijon (FC Red Bull Salzburg; 2/0), OSWALD Moritz (SK Rapid; 6/0), POLSTER Manuel (FK Austria Wien; 4/1), SATTLBERGER Nikolas (SK Rapid; 0/0), WELS Moritz (SK Puntigamer Sturm Graz; 1/0)

STURM: BISCHOF Noah (Cashpoint SCR Altach; 4/0), LANG Christoph (SV Guntamatic Ried; 4/3), ZIMMERMANN Bernhard (SK Rapid; 9/1)

Auf Abruf: Conde Sandali (FK Austria Wien), Forst Justin (WSG Tirol), Havel Elias (FC Liefering), Jungwirth Lukas (LASK), Knollmüller Jakob (SV Licht-Loidl Lafnitz), Mätzler Leo (FC Mohren Dornbirn 1913), Mischitz Samuel (Cashpoint SCR Altach), Reischl Luka (FC Liefering), Riegler David (SKN St. Pölten), Spari Simon (FAC Wien), Vucic Romeo (FK Austria Wien), Wiesinger Nico (SV Guntamatic Ried), Wydra Philipp (SK Rapid).

Fotocredit: Josef Parak


Upcoming games represent that OFB U21 Team (JG 2002) is the qualification rehearsal for the UEFA U21 EURO 2025 Championship, which starts in September. Raiffeisen feet on June 16th (5:30 p.m.) First home game for the U-21s since September 2022. Received ÖFB selection Iceland in Ergo square in Wiener Neustadt.

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Leading the UFB U21 team: Captain Matthias Braunöder, who, however, previously met Austria Lustenau with Austria Wien in the final match of the ADMIRAL Bundesliga (Thursday 8 June, 5 p.m., 1 leg in Lustenau; Sunday, June 11, 5 p.m., return In Vienna Favoriten).

“Not for nothing is he still undefeated after 6 matches against strong opponents”

Then the final test before the start of the qualifiers goes up June 20th (5.30 p.m.) When the ÖFB U21 team at Scenic V Slovakia Meets. The team is preparing for the two matches in Eisenstadt.

Team leader Werner Gregorich He has now nominated his team for the final round before the start of the playoffs. The U21 squad is leading again Captain Matthias Braunwedder. The last 14 players in the squad were in March.

The performances so far have been good, and the team has delivered. It is not for nothing that we are still undefeated after six matches against strong opponents. We’ve found a tribe of players who get along very well and together can achieve something.”According to Grigorych.

Back to Demir and Wells Woolner

The return of the U21 team celebrates after that Yusuf Demir (Galatasaray) and Moritz Wells (SK Puntigamer Sturm Graz) too Luke Wallner (FC Liefering), who returned to the squad for the first time since last September. Gregoric has to do without Tristan Osmani, his usual chief of defence, Leo Kerfield and Muharem Huskovic.

In addition, Ervin Omic, Nikolas Verachnej and Benjamin Kanurić, who have always been part of the squad, are not in the squad this time. “I know what I have in these guys, they have always performed. I just want to use the last chance before qualifying to give the other players a chance. I also informed the players about it. explains Gregorich.

with Angelo Guttermeyer (FC Flyer Alarm Admira), David Hendel (KSV 1919), Raphael Hoover (FC Liefering), Nicholas Sattleberger (SK Rapid) and Fabian Volmuth (SV Licht-Loidl Lafnitz) has five first-time players in the U21 squad who can introduce themselves to the squad’s president and coaching staff next week.

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ÖFB U21 Team Leader Werner Gregorich:All of these are good, talented players who showed their quality last season. You deserve to be called up to the U21 team. For me, it’s also about getting to know the processes in the team. Each of them has the potential to fall into the team. I am absolutely convinced that our team will become stronger and broader in scope.

Austria’s European Nations’ Cup talent mission begins away to Cyprus (September 7) and a home match against Bosnia and Herzegovina (September 12). “We have a clear goal of qualifying for the European Nations Cup. This is why we need a team that can achieve something together. We are on the right track and we will continue to gain quality with the new players.”According to Grigorych.

The ÖFB U21 collection in detail

Goal: Marek Luka (SK Puntigamer Sturm Graz; 1/0), Polster Nicholas (SK BMD Vorwarts Steyr; 5/0), Sherf Elias (SKU Ertl Glas Amstetten; 5/0)

defense: Baidu Samsun (FC Red Bull Salzburg; 4/0), Estrada Pascal (NK Olimpija Ljubljana/SVN; 5/2), Folman Pascal (SK Rapid; 6/0), Heindel David (KSV 1919; 0 /0), Ebertsburger Lukas (FC Liefering; 2/0), KOLLER Paul (Grazer AK 1902; 1/0), WALLNER Lukas (FC Liefering; 2/0), WOHLMUTH Fabian (SV Licht-Loidl Lafnitz; 0/0 )

Midfield: BRAUNÖDER Matthias (FK Austria Vienna; 10/1), DEMIR Yusuf (Galatasaray/TUR; 10/2), GATTERMAYER Angelo (FC Flyeralarm Admira; 0/0), Hofer Rafael (FC Liefering; 0/0), Camiri Dijon ( FC Red Bull Salzburg; 2/0), Oswald Moritz (SK Rapid; 6/0), Polster Manuel (FK Austria Wien; 4/1), Sattleberger Nicholas (SK Rapid; 0/0), Wills Moritz (SK Bontegamer Storm) Graz; 1/0)

Storm: BISHOP Noah (Cashpoint SCR Altach; 4/0), LANG Christoph (SV Guntamatic Ried; 4/3), Carpenter Bernard (SK Rapid; 9/1)

in a call: Kunde Sandali (Austria, Vienna), Forest Justin (WSG Tirol), Havel Elias (FC Liefering), Jungwirth Lukas (LASK), Nolmüller Jakob (SV Licht Lloydl Lafnitz), Metzler Leo (FC Mauren Dornbirn 1913) , Meschitz Samuel (1913) Cashpoint SCR Altach), Reischl Luka (FC Liefering), Riegler David (SKN St.Pölten), Spari Simon (FAC Vienna), Vucic Romeo (FK Austria Vienna), Wiesinger Nico (SV Guntamatic Ried), Wydra Philipp (SK Rapid).

Image credit: Joseph Barak