WhatsApp, the most widely used messaging service in the world, is about to get a major update. Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, announced that it will improve the WhatsApp user experience with new functionality.
WhatsApp is not just a simple messenger, but a telecommunications giant with around 2 billion active users around the world. An impressive 100 billion messages are sent via the app every day, and the average user spends about 33.5 minutes per day on the app.
Meta, the company behind WhatsApp, is always striving to improve the service and adapt it to current trends and needs. The app is not only used for private conversations, but is also becoming increasingly popular in business contexts. Here it enables simple and effective interaction between groups within companies and companies.
“authenticity verification mark”
The latest update includes a feature already known from Instagram, another app in the identification world: the so-called “authentication verification tags”. These blue check marks act as verification seals for accounts and are intended to help users distinguish between real and fake accounts. This is especially important because fake accounts on social media often cause problems and can cause damage, especially in large companies.
Before the update becomes available to all users, it is being extensively tested in beta versions. This is a common step to ensure that any new features work properly and improve the user experience.
The design has been modified
But that's not all: Meta has announced that users will be able to customize the app's design in the future. So far, WhatsApp has been mostly green, but in the future every user will have the opportunity to customize the appearance of the messenger and thus give it a personal touch.
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