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WhatsApp users alert: A seemingly harmless message suddenly crashes the app

WhatsApp users alert: A seemingly harmless message suddenly crashes the app

A certain WhatsApp message causes the app to suddenly crash. You can read here which character strings to avoid.

It seems that there is currently a strange problem with WhatsApp: How does a hacker and an engineer BruteBee Note that the app crashes once the link “” is submitted (via: Giga). This short link can usually be used to open WhatsApp settings.

Particularly annoying: once you send the link, WhatsApp crashes every time you open the chat containing it. According to BruteBee, WhatsApp Business is also affected by the issue, but it appears not to be the beta version of the messenger.

WhatsApp: the link crashes the app – this is how you solve the problem

WhatsApp should fix the issue soon with an update.

Photo: Getty Images

According to the tweet, the issue appears to be mainly occurring with phones running Android 12. BruteBee found in tests that several devices from Samsung and Xiaomi are affected.

If you have received or sent the message, there is a relatively simple solution: you can, for example, open WhatsApp Web and delete the message from there. Alternatively, you can simply delete the entire chat on your cell phone. How it works, We show here.

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