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“Where does it say I have to live with a smartphone?”

“Where does it say I have to live with a smartphone?”

It seems that the triumph of the Internet, smartphones and applications has not ceased. But not everyone is happy with it, and not everyone can navigate digital life. Is there a right to
Analog – how can this be ensured?

Whoever forgets a year, needs a conversion formula, or searches for a way no longer needs an (almost) omniscient grandfather, as British journalist Daniel Finkelstein describes him in his loving family history: “When my father died, at least one of his Austrian grandchildren was prepared for this scenario: according to another A survey conducted by Statistics Austria, approximately 95 percent of all residents aged 16 to 74 years have access to the Internet. “The use of digital technologies is one of the essential modern skills,” says Tobias Thomas, Head of the Department of Statistics.

This is confirmed by other numbers as well. About 90 percent of all citizens in Austria now use smartphones, the federal government states. This means that you are not just looking for information from Dr. Google, but you can buy everything from train tickets to clothes online, studying the menu in a restaurant using a QR code before finally using it to pay the bill. However, smartphones are no longer just for consumption and entertainment: in the age group from 16 to 74 years, 76% of citizens completed their administrative transactions electronically in the past year.

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