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Who is the most beautiful?: Lucia Cisic was crowned Miss Vienna 2024

Who is the most beautiful?: Lucia Cisic was crowned Miss Vienna 2024

Now it's clear: Lucia Cisic was crowned Miss Vienna and Max Niedermayer Mr Vienna 2024 in Loughner. Owner Richard Loughner was on the judging panel. The winner can accompany him to this year's opera concert.

Vienna/Rudolfsheim-Funfhaus. On January 13, it's time! The city of Loughner became the scene of an extraordinary event in which the titles of Miss and Mr Vienna 2024 were awarded. Under the slogan #sowiedubist, the event promised a mix of beauty, elegance and charisma, as talented participants from all over the region competed for the coveted crowns.

From 2pm onwards, there was a display of traditional costumes as well as swimwear and prom wear, which were skillfully displayed by both men and women. In between, there was a live singing of “Maybright.”

Lucia Cecic and Max Niedermayer as winners

It's a dream come true for dark-haired, long-legged Lucia Cecic: she was chosen as the winner out of ten nominees and is already making plans for her modeling career. She was also happy with the winner of the Mr Vienna 2024 category. This title will now be held by the charismatic athlete Max Niedermayer. In his private life, he likes to play football on the soccer field, and he showed off his toned legs in his leather pants at the start of the event.

The participants sparkled at the beginning in traditional costumes.

“The participants were impressed not only by their external beauty, but also by their intelligence, personality and social commitment,” said Christine Rieger from the Austrian delegation.

Swimwear and ball gowns

The winner is invited to the opera by Richard Lugner, while the future Mr. Vienna receives an opera ticket and a rented tailcoat. Lugner sat next to expert Missen Rigger and received a very high average score. Five was considered the lowest rating and ten was considered the highest rating.

“I'm happy with the winner, even though it wasn't my favourite,” Logner frankly admitted to He had no objection to a younger candidate. Cysik towers about a meter above the building. After the election, he went straight to bed. The busy businessman is not quite fit yet, as he himself says. He wants to be completely healthy again by the opera at the latest.

Instead of swimwear, men introduced jeans.

Elena Langer came in second place and Alina Teufel came in third place. In the men's category, Dennis Zinner, second place, and Manuel Sonnleitner, third place, were convincing.

By the way, was also represented in the jury: As a member of the jury, I was able to participate in a beauty pageant for the first time as an editor. It was a fun experience and another experience I was able to gain. The only thing that surprised me while walking in swimsuits was that the women were wearing tight swimsuits and the men were wearing long jeans. I asked Reger about this in the post-election interview. She responded with the following: “This is a good question, and I will check with the organizers about it.”

As editor, I was allowed to sit on the jury and vote.

In this spirit, I would like to thank Richard Loughner and his team for allowing me to be there and congratulate all the candidates for their success and, above all, for their courage. Introducing yourself to the public in such a self-confident manner is certainly not an easy thing, congratulations!
The Miss and Mister Vienna 2024 election was organized by media.con Werbe & Veranstaltungs GmbH in cooperation with Mission Austria.

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