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Why set up a publishing company?  |  do |  09/07/2023 |  15:30

Why set up a publishing company? | do | 09/07/2023 | 15:30

“There has never been a time when starting a publishing house was something on the horizon. From an economic point of view, it was always crazy!” So says Michael Piculescu, who founded Mandelbaum Publishing 27 years ago. He is now retired. In reality. Because, after a short break, he could no longer sit still, and at the age of sixty-six he founded another publishing house: Marcias, specializing in forgotten novels and new translations.

Axis Publishing has reoriented itself during the pandemic and is now publishing children’s books that convey a positive body image and a commitment to inclusive teamwork. The 5Haus Edition recounts new sagas from Austria, illustrated with historical prints. Her specially created world, ASAGAN, can now be found not only in books, but also as an adventure park in the Hohe Wand.

Anyone who wants to start a publishing house these days must explore literary fields, break new ground in book design, and be open to topics that interest readers – adults and children alike. And three new publishers from Austria show how it works.

Design: Dominic Grooms

Moderation and mentoring: Lukas Tremitsberger



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