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Wienerin releases pop album “ADHS” –

Wienerin releases pop album “ADHS” –


She’s one of the most promising pop artists in town: Verified. The songs of the 26-year-old from Vienna have now been heard millions of times. On Thursday, she will release her first album, titled “ADHS.”

Verena alias Verified describes her music as pop – and it has several goals. On the one hand, she unconsciously becomes a role model for other women who also want to make music. “Because a lot of people don’t dare, because everything in the music scene is very male-dominated, and on the one hand I talk a lot about mental health in my music and I know it helps other people,” he told Vienna Today.

In her songs, she sings about feelings, from heartbreak to derealization. “I’m calling my upcoming album ADHD because I was diagnosed over a year ago – and there’s a huge gender gap because it’s still such a little boy’s disease for everyone. (…) That’s why I’m titled my album so I can create a little awareness and show that this can It also happens with women as adults.”

Debut album from “Verified”

This verified pop artist’s songs are heard millions of times on Spotify. On the 2nd of March, she will release her first album.

Video shooting in Tokyo

The singer filmed her latest music video for the song “Suzuki Swift” a few months ago with her boyfriend in Tokyo. “Because I wanted to shoot a music video in a completely different place – and because everything else has happened in Vienna so far.” In Tokyo “a lot, extreme, noisy and colorful – unlike Vienna, because for me Vienna is quiet, gentle, small.”

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As in the music video for her new single, “Crash,” cars play a major role. “Unfortunately, I like to drive a lot – and always have. That’s why it’s such a big topic for me (…) It’s terrible anyway. I don’t support this in public either, and I’m mindful of my environmental footprint elsewhere.”

Connect thanks to social media

Your fans have reached verification via social media. In addition to Instagram, TikTok is also becoming increasingly important for self-promotion. Millions are also listening to her songs on Spotify – even before the release of her first album. “It’s nice to have an album, but you don’t really need it anymore for access or money in that sense. So if you want to make a living off it, it doesn’t necessarily have to be an album. I wanted to take my time and it worked.”

Performance at the Frequency Festival

After the pandemic, she works again with several concerts in Germany, but also in Austria – for example at the Frequency Festival. And new songs are already being produced – exciting new Viennese pop.