In an interview, Todd Howard talked about the following games from his Bethesda studio. According to Howard, “Fallout 5” will be developed after “Elder Scrolls 6”.
In a recent interview, Bethesda’s Todd Howard confirmed that his studio is already planning Fallout 5. However, the title is going to be some time yet. 2023 will appear first “Starfield” For Xbox and PC, The Elder Scrolls 6 follows. Only then will the team deal with a successor to “Fallout 4”.
Howard is also frustrated by the long wait
“Yes, Elder Scrolls 6 is in pre-production and after that we’ll do Fallout 5, so our schedule has been pretty busy for a while. We also have a few other projects that we consider from time to time,” Howard said in the interview. About the new Fallout sequel: “Fallout is really part of our DNA here. We have from time to time with others [Entwicklern] They worked together – I can’t say what will happen. We already have a one-page Fallout 5 on what we plan to do with it.”
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Howard noted that he was also frustrated by the length of time it takes for his favorite games to develop. “They take a while and I hope they come out quicker, I really do. We’re doing our best, but we want to. [die Spiele] As good as possible for everyone.”

More news about BethesdaAnd the fallout 5And the Sheikh Scrolls 6.
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