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With Bruckner, the music faltered

With Bruckner, the music faltered

Symphoniker under Andrés Orozco-Estrada at Musikverein: Riding a Roller Coaster. The Mountain concert with Vilde Frang as the soloist was fun, while Bruckner’s seventh concert was a disappointment.

While the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra is headed to the USA, the Symphony Orchestra is being drawn to Spain, France and Germany, where they will be guests of the Berlin Philharmonic for the first time. Programs conducted by their chief music conductor, Andres Orozco-Estrada, feature works exclusive to Beethoven: the VIIth Concerto and Violin, with one of the prominent violinists of the younger generation, Norway’s Vilde Franj, as the soloist.

Thin with Berg Dairy

With another classic of violin literature, the Concerto by Alban Berg, Frang is now delighted with the musician: her performance was technically excellent, extremely precise and poetic. I followed the result meticulously, intimately following the different atmospheres. Nevertheless, she never lost herself in the details, but always had in mind the special intention of this colorful autobiographical work, which is a requiem for Manon Gropius. The symphonic musicians accompanied them with an exciting movement and presence.

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