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WKO Press Conference: On the right path towards sustainability

WKO Press Conference: On the right path towards sustainability

WKO-Tirol has completed its first sustainability report. In a press interview It now shows how the report can serve as an inspiration for other Tyrolean companies. WKO Tirol President Barbara Thaler and Vice President Manfred Blitzer were present.

Innsbruck. The Tyrolean Chamber of Commerce reiterates its strong commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These 17 goals serve as a clear roadmap for a better future and promoting a sustainable planet.

Since 2020, sustainability has been firmly established in the core strategy of the Tyrolean Chamber of Commerce. Under the leitmotif “Sustainability is an opportunity” According to the World Trade Organization, wide-ranging internal and external strategies have been developed based on the European Green Deal. Sustainability will remain a key element of the core strategy in the years 2023-2026. Under the logo “Accompanying sustainable transformation” You want to implement concrete measures and projects internally and externally. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) form the basis for working with members and promoting initiatives within the organization.

“Today it is important for us to talk a little broader, a little more intensely and also a little deeper on the topic of sustainability. For us as an economy as a whole and for us as a Chamber of Commerce, we are committed to change. “For me, business has always meant change, it has meant adaptation. Naturally, I also link this to the topic of sustainability, not just from an environmental perspective, but holistically.”Barbara Thaler said at the beginning of the conversation.

Political support is necessary

As early as June 23, WKO-Tirol published a position paper on the topic of sustainability, in which it has already been made clear that the goal of becoming climate neutral by 2040, i.e. reducing net emissions to zero, can only be achieved if there is a comprehensive transformation of the economic system. the local. The fact that we are still on the right track was made clear here again in the press conference. It seems that the Chamber of Commerce urgently needs to set a good example and make Tyrolean companies aware of this issue on a large scale. However, the entire project cannot be done alone. The focus here is on political support from the state, the federal government and the European Union level.

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"We face great challenges", Thaler is aware of this.  |  Photo: Rene Rabez

Members are on the right track

“There are of course many reasons why the topic of sustainability is so important to the Chamber of Commerce. I would like to single out three of these points. First, the topic of long-term competitiveness. We see from many international studies that companies that deal with the principles of sustainability, Which are also integrated, are more successful in the long term. So it is also a strategic tool. The second point is risk management. Sustainable business helps reduce operational risks related to daily business, but of course also environmental risks. The third point is regulatory requirements such as reporting obligations for companies which They are becoming increasingly required at the legal level. Sustainability reporting has been negotiated at the European level in the last two years. The important point here is the supply chain law, which is currently being finalized and negotiated. “We as a chamber of commerce also want to prepare ourselves early so that we can get our members on the right track at the right time.” Thaler said

Advisory body

A lot of things are already being done right in Tyrol, and more and more companies are following the call for holistic sustainability. Of course, this also has very practical reasons such as: b. Save costs for a long time. Because when new energy systems are installed, this also results in energy cost savings. But it is also clear that an environmental approach is increasingly in demand by both employees and customers. It was also noted that the Chamber of Commerce wished to continue to view itself as an advisory body. The sustainability tips provided are also easily and seriously used. For example, in the form of webinars, which member companies can also view later.

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"When it comes to sustainability, completely new ways of thinking are needed"Blitzer says |  Photo: Rene Rabez

“Sustainability is a very broad topic; it involves completely new approaches to how we have to think about cycles, how we have to think about supply chains, how we have to establish carbon dioxide credits, or even regulate taxonomy. These are all new challenges, which are aimed at The end is not only to deal better with resources, but also to deal with the future and especially with CO2 resources accordingly and knowing how we save energy, how we implement insulation, how we prepare energy saving projects and document the whole thing and align ourselves accordingly, we have one of WIFI side Sustainability trainingwhich was also very well received.”said Vice President Manfred Blitzer.

Overall, we are on the right track when it comes to sustainability. In conclusion, one can say that WKO-Tirol sees that it has a responsibility to set a good example and continue to be a strong and competent partner for Tyrolean companies. The sustainability report is available at the following link: be seen.

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