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World Cup winner Rosland to miss the start of the season –

Norwegian biathlon star Mart Olsbo Roseland will miss the start of the new season. The World Cup winner and three-time Beijing Olympics champion is no longer 100% fit again due to health issues.

Biathlete Marty Olsbo Roysland

Geba / Thomas Bacon

“It’s a test of patience. I just have to take my time. At the moment my body is not ready for tough competitions so I have to stay home,” Rosland said in a statement from the federation on Tuesday. The new season starts on November 29 in Kontiolahti, Finland.

Eckhoff is also absent

The 31-year-old is already the second notable failure of the Norwegian women’s team. Because Terrell Eckhoff, 32, is taking an indefinite break from the end-of-season festivities in Oslo in March due to the long-term effects of the coronavirus infection.

Roseland has also contracted the virus there, as have more than 13 ski fishermen. After that, she kept complaining of various ailments before she also contracted herpes zoster while preparing in September. The infection seemed to pass, but then there was a relapse and I had to take a complete break for several weeks.

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