In a highly controversial election, Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega is seeking his fourth consecutive term. The 75-year-old former revolutionary will...
The rescue ship "Sea-Eye 4" of the German aid organizations Sea-Eye and Mission Lifeline was allowed to dock with more...
El Pais newspaper (internet edition) reported that 10 to 20 passengers escaped from a Moroccan plane that landed on its...
At least one person was killed and more than a hundred were injured yesterday in protests in the Iraqi capital,...
A month after the parliamentary elections in the Czech Republic, President Milos Zeman announced his support for the rapid formation...
5.11.2021 02:52 (Ac. 5.11.2021 02:52) The Israeli parliament worked to ensure the continued existence of the government © APA /...
4.11.2021 19:56 (Act.4.1.2021 19:56) Major General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan ordered his release © APA / AFP About ten days after...
Negotiations to form Germany's first traffic light coalition are not progressing as quickly as had been hoped for by the...
Berlin (OTS) - Starting today, the first "Nicholas" special volume will be available in stores such as Walt Disney Lustiges...
Portugal faces new elections after the parliamentary rejection of the left-wing government's budget bill. Yesterday evening, the State Council approved...