The Council of Europe withdrew tweets about the headscarf in a crackdown on diversity, following harsh criticism from France. A...
3.11.2021 11:20 (Act. 3.11.2021 11:20) In his new show, Enki von Willmsdorf takes a closer look at the supposedly healthy...
Latest update in Wednesday 3 November 2021, 2:36 AM According to forecasts, Democrat Eric Adams will become the 110th mayor...
Ukraine today denied reports of renewed Russian troop movements near its borders. The Ukrainian Defense Ministry said that "no additional...
In New York City on the east coast of the United States, millions of people were called to elect a...
NSAt least four people were killed on Monday when a skyscraper under construction collapsed in Nigeria's largest city, Lagos. A...
Peuul elu Vpelptleh tutal, enuoekpl elue Pekltpelnua pel Ueae: Ble uene Zlalelluuplunle eulvlehetl plek peO PuOOel. lO Ghlupel plettle ple...
After more than a year and a half of the entry ban, individual tourists are now allowed to return to...
Outgoing German Chancellor Angela Merkel assessed the decisions after what was likely the last G-20 summit as a "good signal"...
At the start of the World Climate Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, hopes dashed for effective steps against dangerous global warming....