The man was traveling with another winter sports enthusiast in Pflers when he was caught and buried in an avalanche...
Today, the new copper faucet was lifted by crane to the top of the tower of the architectural icon Notre...
Sciences After difficult negotiations between member states, the EU agreed to more stringent requirements for “high-risk” applications, such as critical...
It is clear that Austria, in its resistance to Bulgaria and Romania joining the Schengen Area, is now completely alone...
Approval for solar electricity generation appears to be very high in Lower Austria: 94 percent of those surveyed say more...
The book is titled "Life. My Story in History." The fall of the Berlin Wall, General Jorge Rafael Videla's coup...
It might actually be a good thing that climate negotiations were being negotiated in Dubai of all places. You may...
Two days after the attack by a far-right member of parliament, candles were lit again on the Hanukkah menorah in...
The world's largest iceberg is slowly moving away from Antarctic waters. The European Space Agency can calculate the ice giant's...
Republicans accuse Biden of involvement in his son's controversial foreign dealings and officially agree to conduct an investigation with the...