Shocking discovery in Poland: Police found the bodies of three newborn babies in the basement of a neglected single-family home...
In Brazil, a famous therapist was sentenced to more than 118 years in prison for raping four women. Joao Teixeira...
There are currently 2,796 people in the hotspot on the island. 400 migrants are expected to leave Lampedusa for Sicily...
About a week after the devastating earthquake struck Morocco, the United Nations is anticipating a rapid request for assistance. United...
This specifically concerns some platform settings and age verification upon registration. Among other things, the default was that posts such...
The Ukrainian army announced that it had regained the town of Andreyivka near the city of Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine,...
Home and garden With the end of summer, preparation for the upcoming gardening year begins. An important part of this...
The representatives demand closer cooperation with the United States. The European Parliament voted by a large majority in favor of...
Information received from Moscow indicated that Ukraine again attacked the Crimean Peninsula, which was annexed by Russia. The Russian Information...
"Frankly, it's time for a new generation of political leaders," says the Republican US senator. Mitt Romney was the only...