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Young people aged 16 and over can now be vaccinated

Young people aged 16 and over can now be vaccinated

– Icon image: Sebastian Gollnow / dpa

Priority has also been raised at the vaccination center in Landshut. Vaccination is now possible from the age of 16.

The state government raised the priority for those wishing to be vaccinated, which had already been applied to Bavarian vaccination centers. This means: From now on, all residents of Landshut who are at least 16 years old can be vaccinated against the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus at the local vaccination center on the fairgrounds, regardless of whether there are any grounds for prioritizing.

Registration and appointments can be made online at Appointments can also be booked over the phone. Thanks to a marked increase in delivery quantities and because there are almost no second vaccinations being administered in Bavarian vaccination centers until about the end of July, there is now enough vaccine for the first vaccinations, assures Thomas Schindler, who runs the city’s vaccination center. “This is also especially true for mRNA vaccines from the manufacturers BioNTech-Pfizer and Moderna. So everyone who wants to vaccinate should register for the vaccination immediately.”

The population’s readiness for vaccination is declining

Schindler says the biggest challenge in the coming weeks will not be – as in previous months – the lack of a vaccine that has now been treated, but the markedly diminished willingness of the population to get vaccinated. “We have the
The impression that many people are no longer in a hurry to vaccinate themselves due to the upcoming vacation time and summer weather and the decrease in the number of infections in our area. In any case, it is unfortunately becoming increasingly difficult for us to allocate free appointments.”

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Incidentally, this also applies to about 3,500 people from the city area, some of whom registered for the vaccination months ago but have not yet been vaccinated at the vaccination center. “You should have gotten an invite by now,” Schindler said. “If this is not the case, we ask those affected to validate the data stored in the BayIMCO online registration system or contact the vaccination center directly by phone.”

problematic development

However, incomplete data is rarely the reason why calls for vaccinations are not currently accepted, Schindler says. Because: “Many affected have in the meantime got an appointment elsewhere, but have not signed on to BayIMCO. Some have simply changed their minds and now want to wait until fall.” This development is problematic because two injections are usually required for immunization, and therefore it takes at least About six to eight weeks from the first bite before the full shot. Established.

“If a new wave is really supposed to come in the fall, it’s already too late to protect yourself from infection for a short time with vaccination,” Schindler says. “Anyone who hesitates to vaccinate themselves should consider it.” Mayor Alexander Potz agrees with these cautionary words: “Especially with regard to the most contagious Delta species, which is spreading rapidly across Europe, a full vaccination is perhaps the only way to avoid it to effectively protect yourself and your fellow human beings from Covid.”

Use the summer months for vaccination

So one should not be blinded by the currently quiescent state of infection, but should use the summer months to move forward with the vaccination campaign and immunize large parts of the population against the virus. “This way we can significantly reduce the risk of another wave in the fall — and thus also the risk of renewed restrictions that no one really wants,” says Putz, who received his second dose of the vaccine at the beginning of the month. “I ask all the people in Landshut: Take advantage of the vaccination offer that can be given to you now. Make an appointment at the vaccination centre, or with your family doctor, or with the company doctor, if that is possible for you. You are not only doing something for yourself, but from for society as a whole.”

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Incidentally, about half of the population of Landshut has now received at least one initial dose of the coronavirus vaccine. 35 percent of the population is fully vaccinated. With both values, the city of Landshut is roughly in line with the national average.

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