– In 2019, a birth number will cost an average of $ 67 or about 560 kroner. You can buy someone else’s passport information for around 450 kroner. This is information that criminals can use to buy goods or take loans in the name of others. In the worst case scenario, victims may have financial problems for years, said Dina Gerstad, marketing manager at CX Loyalty, an IT security firm, in a statement from Gencidej.

– So, being an IT thief in Norway is very easy
Unknown Invoice Risk Signal
If a duplicate letter appears in the mail from a credit check, unknown invoice, or payment note, this may be a sign that you have been the victim of an ID theft.
This issue does not apply now as many people were in the home office last year. Not everyone is as good at protecting home offices as they are at the physical office in terms of cybercrime.
– The moment you take your work computer out of the office and work towards the company’s solutions, many security challenges arise. We know that many companies do not have the necessary rules or have adequately trained their employees for such use. Criminals know how to use this, and Vidar Sandland, a senior adviser to Narcissus and cyber security expert who is part of the government’s commitment to information security, told Dinside a year ago.

– Significant risk
Two step security
One of the easiest things you can do yourself is to shut down the internet at home, and if you have not already done so Providing two-step security at logins Where possible. Examples of websites with two-step security are Facebook and Twitter. Also, change your password regularly and avoid the same password everywhere.
Gerstat has the following tips for creating good passwords: Password the first letters of the words in a sentence, with at least twelve characters in uppercase and lowercase, special characters or spaces.
Such as: This password is easy to remember and use every day => Dp bl Åho Bhd.
– Anonymity makes the dark web an environment conducive to illegal activities. This includes buying and selling personal information, credit card numbers, login information and other types of data. ID can be used for theft, Misuse of bank cards and electronic extortion campaigns, says Gerstadt.
Security breach
The information often comes from security breaches. That is, information goes the wrong way due to external attacks or other reasons.
In 2020 alone, Sporting, several county municipalities and the media company Shipstead exposed security breaches. In the latter, usernames and passwords were stolen for 22,000 user accounts, while attempts were made to break into 150,000 accounts, Gerstad says.

Tip: When going to profile bananas
ID Theft 2.0
Many Norwegians have experienced online fraud by pretending to be someone else like the boss, post office or bank. Now the perpetrators have taken this scam to a new level.
– Growth is scary. Now what we see is ID theft 2.0, says Guy Royer, a security expert for NTP.
Criminals can now purchase access to complete user profiles that could be used for online fraud. NTP writes that millions of compromised profiles with complete login information, user behavior, cookies and other metadata could be purchased and misused.

Historical Bank ID Judgment
Follows the behavior of the people
– This is the next stage of ID theft. With this arsenal of user information, criminals are suddenly given the opportunity to use passwords and usernames, but follow people’s online behavior. Guy Roar, research manager at Nobe 4 Research, the research hub of IT security company Nobe 4, tells NTP that this is very difficult to disclose.
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