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Youth Resources: Markus Mitka as guest –

Youth Resources: Markus Mitka as guest –

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“Radio Salzburg Café”
on April 16, 2023
From 8:00 am to 10:00 am

Markus Mitka is a leading Austrian anti-aging physician, gynecologist, hormone specialist and President of the Austrian Anti-Aging Society. According to the latest scientific discoveries, what keeps us young and healthy is above all our thoughts: “Mind Matters Youth – Anti-aging with the Power of Thought” is the name of his current book – after many scientific publications and bestsellers that have previously appeared.

Instead of operations, pills and ointments, Markus Metka recommends good thoughts and a satisfaction-oriented lifestyle.

The basic principle: you are as old as you feel!

Thoughts and behaviors affect the body either positively – in the sense of making it healthy and maintaining it – or negatively. That is, positive thoughts can help you feel younger—in other words, they contribute to what’s called “anti-aging,” the “new modern word,” according to Markus Mitka.

You can’t stop aging, but there are 60 or 70-year-olds with a face that has retained its beauty – with a youthful look, even in old age.

Marcus Mitka

Luke Beck

Marcus Mitka

“Everyone is responsible for his face from the age of fifty”

Friedrich Schiller, poet and physician, once said: “It is the mind that makes up the body.” According to Markus Mitka, it works this way from a biomolecular point of view: with good behavior and a satisfying life, sympathetic genes – which have been known for five years – are positively affected and only a few inflammatory factors are formed.

Silent inflammation

With unfavorable and stressful thoughts, the empathic genes are activated in a way that causes a lot of inflammation in the body. Called “silent inflammation,” this silent inflammation often goes unnoticed for years—but can slowly lead to diseases of civilization such as cardiovascular disease, dementia, or even osteoporosis. And where there is a lot of inflammation, there is also bad aging.

Markus Mitka talks to Gabe Kirschbaumer about the sources of youth, but also about the seven deadly sins in the Bible – they also have an impact on our lives and our appearance.

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