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▷ A Taste of Sicily – News – 2024

▷ A Taste of Sicily – News – 2024

Fulvio has served as Creative Director of Food since opening, and has since looked after a large number of Rocco Forte Group restaurants. At the dedicated Verdura Fulvio Resort Five restaurants Responsibly and only the best ingredients are used in each one. The special thing about Verdura is that the majority of the food comes from organically certified agriculture. Some will even do it Directly on the resort grounds Harvested, such as olives for olive oil. Gault&Millau had the privilege of exploring the resort and area on a four-day trip.

On our four-day trip, Fulvio accompanied us to get to know and understand Sicilian products better Just a few ingredients needs, To prepare delicious dishes. During the cooking course led by Fulvio, which takes place in “Casetta nell'Orto”, a small house near the former train station, we were able to cook three dishes with Fulvio that used only a few ingredients. Most of them are pre-harvested on the spot in a small display garden. This garden was created to show guests the great diversity that grows in Sicilian soil.

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